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No one, better than the parents, knows better the evolution of their disabled children. They have seen the benefits of equine-therapy given in Krines Foundation. Watch as your child with special conditions passed from his wheelchair to the saddle of the horse is very moving and exciting. We have witnessed how many cases of autistic children or mentally limited, who did not speak and refused to be touched, has gained confidence, and have begun speaking and become more independent.

Mary Valentina (Tina as we call her with love) was born with cerebral hypoxia. At present she is 14 years old.  Her condition is very severe thus her evolution is very slow, however after more than 13 years of treatment, as a parent I am very satisfied with the equine therapy and Krines foundation. I take Mary 2 times per week to her treatment.

The Equine therapy has made a lot of progress in Tina, the more important the improvement of her quality of life, the days she is treated sleeps better, relaxes, laughs and enjoy the day, is different compare to the days she is not treated; in addition, the therapy keeps  moving her  muscles and improves her position, making my daughter exercise in a  very pleasant way, compare to traditional physiotherapy in which she experienced pain and  always cries.

In many years of experience as a parent, I have seen great and better achievements to other patients with special conditions who are treated in the same facility but whose conditions are less severe than Tina. The staff of the Foundation is not only limited to the therapy of our children, they also guide us as parents and helps us to travel down this road, giving workshops, clarifying our doubts, making us stronger giving us the support that we need as a parent of special children…

When I started going to Krines, I was very disoriented father and full of doubts.  13 years ago, my daughter Maria Valentina (Tina) was just a toddler and I was looking for answers as well as hopes for her condition.

Little by little I began to get to know the professionalism, kindness and human quality of the recently founded Krines Foundation of the hand of a great woman with an incredible dedication, Brigitte Flowers. For years I have witnessed the growth in number of persons, horses and improvements of the facility to benefit our children,  to have a special place . Krines is a place with great therapists, great horses and beautiful and ample facilities headed and directed by a great human being, Brigitte Flores,  the founder."






¨ I AM THE MOTHER OF Oriana Sofia Romero, a girl who presents Infantile Cerebral Palsy caused by an increase of the levels of bilirubin. Oriana has been attending different therapies since she was three (3) months old.

When she was one (1) year old, always looking for information, I learned about the benefits of equine therapy. We searched for places and we came across Krines. In Krines, where we got a lot of attention, human warmth and much love for our children. Oriana enjoys each session and has had great evolution and progress during this time. ¨

Rosana Romero

¨ I AM THE MOTHER OF Josue Freitez, who has been in rehabilitation in this center of equine therapy for five and a half years. Josue is a child with Cerebral Palsy; was diagnosed immediately at birth. He has been progressing little by little.

His first five years were very difficult and hard, despite the assistance and rehabilitation. Thank God that there are rehabilitation centers, specifically speaking of this, with Equine therapy, where has had tremendous progress; He feels so good coming here, it has been great, especially in the social part. In the family atmosphere, Josue has had a huge improvement. ¨

Eyeida Torrealba

¨ My son is three (3) years old and his name is Jose David Reyes. The reason why we brought our son into this center was he is a hyperactive child and never rests.
What I had heard about Krines foundation was that: In addition of treating hyperactive children, it also helped with the language problems and the absence of conduct, and for me it was perfect because my son always moved away from everyone. ¨


Dayana Reyes

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