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Krines Foundation was founded in 2001 by Brigitte Flores de Rodriguez and Cesar Rodriguez. Since her adolescence, Brigitte was disturbed by the continuing limitations faced by disabled people. Her sensitivity for children, especially those with disabilities, and her conviction  of the benefits of equine therapy motivated her to found Krines . 

Brigitte started at fifteen years of age to be voluntary, joining a Venezuelan nonprofit humanitarian organization of nurses called Ladies in Blue. She started working in San Juan de Dios pediatric Hospital I Caracas , Venezuela. In 1989 she graduated as Speech Therapist in the Venezuelan Institute of Hearing and Language. From 2003 on she continues her equine therapy studies overseas. 
In 1998 Brigitte suffers an accident which caused her a brain trauma affecting her memory, the sense of taste and smell. She did not have much hope of recovering, but she decided to use as unique therapeutic tool riding a horse, achieving her full recovery. This event motivated her to deepen in the study of the equine therapy and its benefits participating and attending courses in different countries:

Querétaro, México March  2003. Certify by Equine Therapy by Asociación Mexicana de Equitación Terapéutica.

Córdoba, Argentina April  2007.  XXX theoretical-practical course of Equine Therapy by La Fundación  Cordobesa de Equinoterapia.

Arequipa, Perú March 2007. Participated the Theoretical-practical course of equine Therapy dictated jointly by  Asociación   Peruana de Hipoterapia  and the University of  Bobigny from France.

Wylie, Texas August – Octuber  2011. Certified as Equine Therapy Instructor from Path International.Lubbock, Texas octubre 2012. “Level One Equine Skills” by NARHA.

McKinney, Texas Julio 2015.  “Gaitway to the Brain “ by Dra. Robin Harwell in  Mane Gate Equine Therapy center.

Lima, Perú December 2015. Jointly with the Dra. Robin Harwell dictate the program on "Reconstruction of the Brain" in the prime (Public Schools for children with disabilities).

In addition, Brigitte  has also attended various conferences of Equine Therapy and delivered lectures on the subject in Venezuela.

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